Monday, July 7, 2014

The Importance of a Life of Health and Wellness

Our world has changed in the 21st century from a society that lived by the bread of the land to a urban “easier is better” mindset. With the changes that developed have come a sedentary lifestyle and junk food diet that have wrecked havoc on our bodies. Wellness involves making decisions to better your health and control the risk factors that contribute to illness. We have physical wellness that includes conscience decisions about nutrition, exercising, avoiding excess weight, avoiding bad habits and getting regular checkups.  We also have emotional wellness that includes stress management, self-esteem, spirituality, and relaxation techniques. With deliberate actions to implement wellness goals can lengthen life expectancy with prevention of many diseases. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, substance abuse and sexually transmitted diseases are conditions we want to proactively prevent by healthy lifestyle choices

The greatest benefit of a lifetime of wellness for me would be to spend as much time on this earth laughing and enjoying your family that you possibly can. Coronary heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States  and  I have been affected by this .My father passed away at a much too young age from Congestive Heart Failure brought upon by obesity. So, living a healthy lifestyle filled with proper nutrition and fun activities to keep my body healthy are paramount for me.

A person that desires a healthy wellness would need to commit to the goal that is being visualized and devise a plan of action.  Different goal settings tools can be used like “SMART”, that will guide a person into making realistic goals that are achievable and can be measured. I believe any loved ones in a person’s life should also make commitments to help the person making the change. Support from friends and family is a huge benefit to reach a challenge.

Hoeger, W. & Hoeger, S. (2012). Principles of Health and Labs for Health and Wellness. (11th ed.)

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